Ladies After Wisdom

Ladies After Wisdom

Hosted by: Coach Q

LadiesAfterWisdom is an online education space to help busy high achieving women + mothers go from overwhelmed to overjoyed. Coach Q is a Certified Life Balance + Health Coach, Mom, Wife, Flight Attendant + Serial...

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Mastering the Art of Patience: Embracing Trust & Calmness

Episode #39

Most of our lives, we are waiting. Waiting for an answer, waiting in line, waiting in traffic, waiting on the call. In a world that is moving so fast, it's easy to get impatient. Many women experience elevated levels...
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Which Fear Is Keeping You Stuck & How to Move past It (Replay)

Episode #39

Did you know the #1 thing thats holding you back and keeping you stuck? FEAR The very thing you're desiring to do, your hopes, dreams are all on the otherside of fear. It's not people, circumstances or even money...
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Do this ONE simple thing to reduce anxiety and increase JOY.

Episode #38

Many women and mothers are challenged with feelings of anxiety and overwhelm daily. Prolonged chaos and high stress in life often leads to frustration, mental health challenges and even health issues. If you are...
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Tap Into Your Gifts: How to Start Your Own Business From What You Already Know and Have

Episode #37

Have you ever considered turning what you know or what you are gifted with into a business? Have you felt too overwhelmed or now knowledgeable enough to get started? Today on Ep 37 of the LadiesAfterWisdom Podcast,...
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Rising Above Problems: The Power In Gaining A New Perspective

Episode #36

We all have challenges that we face, some challenges are greater depending on the season of life and the lesson we are to learn. Going through problems in life is never easy, yet what if changing your perspective...
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How to Restore Your Confidence: Overcome Self Doubt

Episode #35

Are you really good at holding a vision for those you love realy well? You’re an excellent encourager and motivator. You see the potential in others; whether it be your kids, spouse or even just your friends. Yet,...
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How to Overcome the Guilt of Wanting More.

Episode #34

As a mom or wife, do you ever feel guilty of wanting more? It's easy to put our dreams and goals on the back burner and support others and their amitions. Today on Ep 34 of the Ladies After Wisdom Podcast w/ Coach Q,...
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How to Get Back Up: Here's What to Do, When Life Knocks You Down.

No one is exempt from life's challenges, right? We all have been knocked down... but what do you do when you don't know how to get back up? If you find that you're currently in a season where life is truly...
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Tired of Doing It Alone? How Accountability from Family & Friends Can Help You Thrive!

Episode #32

Tired of chasing your dreams alone? Feeling isolated on your path to pursuing your goals? Taking your own unique path, often times leads to feelings of lonliness. Many people talk about their dreams, not many be...
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How to Overcome Fear & Build Confidence

Episode #31

Fear is a common emotion that holds us back or keeps us stuck. What fear do you need to overcome? Where would you like to gain confidence? On this Ep if the Ladies After Wisdom Podcast, we discuss overcoming fear...
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This is What You are Doing to You When You Fail to Take Action.

Episode #30

Your inaction has consequences...have you ever considered what they are? What if your inaction was hurting your relationship, career and health more that you thought? What if failing to commit to you, is slowing...
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Pt 3: The Power of What You Speak: Speaking w/ Intention

Episode #29

Does fear drive your conversations? Has fear caused you to say things that you wish you could take back, caused you to avoid the conversation or be timid and not speak up? Words have the power the power to build up...
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