Blueprint for Joyful Living
Is Time Really the Problem? Why You Haven’t Started That Thing God Put on Your Heart (and What to Do About It)

Is Time Really the Problem? Why You Haven’t Started That Thing God Put on Your Heart (and What to Do About It)

Hey there, Mama! Let’s get real for a second. You’ve got this thing on your heart—a dream, a calling—that you know God’s been nudging you to pursue. Maybe it’s writing that book you’ve been thinking about for years, launching a business, or even shifting to a new career. Whatever it is, it’s been on your mind day and night. You can’t shake it, no matter how busy life gets.

But if you’re anything like I was, you keep telling yourself you don’t have the time. Between family, work, and the million other things on your plate, there’s just no room to even think about it, right?

Well, here’s the truth: Time isn’t really the issue. The issue is what you believe is important—and maybe a bit of fear holding you back, too.

My Own Story of “Too Busy”

In 2018, when my husband and I opened our restaurant, I was wearing all the hats—mom of three, full-time flight attendant, and now a business owner. To say I was busy was an understatement! I loved what I was doing, but deep down, I knew there was something else God was calling me to. My Ladies After Wisdom podcast and blog kept coming to my mind. Day in and day out, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. But instead of taking action, I kept telling myself, “I just don’t have the time.”

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing—if something is really important, you’ll make time for it. It wasn’t until I took a step back and asked myself the hard questions that I realized time wasn’t the problem. And maybe that’s the case for you, too.

Two Reasons You’re Not Taking Action on Your Purpose

I’ve had countless conversations with women who, like me, feel like they’re just too busy to take that next step toward their calling. But after digging a little deeper, we usually find that time isn’t the real issue. In fact, there are two common reasons why you’re not pursuing that thing God has placed on your heart:

  1. You don’t believe it’s that important.
    I know, I know—it stings to read that. But it’s the truth. If we really believed that thing God is calling us to do was important, we’d make time for it, no matter how busy life gets. Think about it: if your child needed something for school, or if a friend asked you for a favor, you’d rearrange your day to make it happen, right? You’d find the time. But when it comes to that dream or passion God is nudging you toward, we push it aside. Why? Because deep down, we haven’t made it a priority.

  2. You’re afraid.
    Yep, fear is a big one. Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of stepping into something new and unknown, it’s holding you back. It’s easier to say, “I don’t have time,” than to face the uncomfortable truth that we’re scared to take action. Fear often disguises itself as busyness. But here’s the thing: God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to be courageous.

How to Stop Letting Time Be Your Excuse

So, how do you move forward? How do you start taking steps toward that dream or calling when you feel like there’s no room in your schedule?

It starts with small, consistent actions. There’s a quote I love that says, “Small hinges swing big doors.” That means even the tiniest steps in the right direction will create momentum over time. You don’t need hours of free time to make progress—just 30 minutes a day can lead to major results if you’re intentional.

Here are three steps to help you make that shift:

  1. Make it a priority.
    Take a moment to write down your top five priorities in life right now. Then, look at that list and ask yourself, “Is the thing God is calling me to do on this list?” If it’s not, that’s the first step. Make it a priority by committing to touch it every day, even if it’s just for 10 or 20 minutes.

  2. Get real about fear.
    What are you afraid of? Maybe it’s the fear of failure, judgment, or stepping out of your comfort zone. Whatever it is, write it down. Once you’ve named your fear, you can start to push through it. Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear—it’s taking action in spite of the fear. And every small step you take will help diminish that fear over time.

  3. Start with small actions.
    You don’t have to overhaul your life to start pursuing your purpose. Start small. Maybe that means waking up 30 minutes earlier, blocking out time during lunch, or cutting back on social media to make space for your calling. Just 1% of progress each day adds up to massive change over the course of a year.

Your Purpose is Bigger Than You

Here’s something important to remember: that thing God is calling you to do? It’s not just about you. It’s about the people He’s going to impact through you. When you step into your calling, you create a ripple effect, inspiring others to do the same. And if you’ve got little ones watching, they’re learning from your actions. They’ll see you making time for what matters and realize they can, too.

It’s Time to Take Action

We only get one life, mama. Let’s make sure we’re living it fully—by stepping into the purpose God has given us. It won’t always be easy, but I promise you, it will be worth it.

If you’re ready to stop making excuses and start taking action on your God-given calling, I’d love to help you. Book your free Joyfully Balanced Breakthrough Call with me, and let’s dive into how we can create a plan that fits your busy life, so you can finally pursue the passions God has placed on your heart.

Click here to schedule your free chat. Let’s start making your purpose a priority today. I’m here to help you find the time, the balance, and the courage to go after what God has called you to do.

With love,
Coach Q