joyful blueprint academy
Question for you?
 What if you Discovered the Secret to Balancing a Thriving Career, Consistently Pursuing Passions and Being a Present Mom?


Or let me rephrase that...

What if you could wake up every day with a sense of calm and purpose, knowing that daily you are excelling at work, being fully present with your family, and still making time to pursue your passions.

No longer feeling torn between your successful career and being the mom you always wanted to be? 

But Present. Joyful. Fulfilled & Balanced.

Sounds good right? This is every successful high-achieving mamas deam.

But this doesn't have to be a dream—this can be your reality with the right guidance and support.    

Here's the Problem

You know that in order to spend more time with your family AND pursue your passions. You actually have to slow down a little and create a healthy work-life balance...

But you don't know how, because you feel like...

  • You gotta say yes to everything and agree to every request from work, family, or friends.

  • You can't set boundaries in work or your personal life (and stick to them) cause you have to keep yourself available to others. They expect a lot from you mama, right?

  • Things have to be perfect, so you spend alot of time on projects to make sure they are perfect.

  • You can't delegate, because you don't believe that anyone else can do things the way they need to be done.

  • Things always come up at the last minute, so me time really isn't that important.

  • There is no time for a break, so you gotta work through meals.

  • Multi-tasking better, it helps you work faster and quicker.

  • You gotta constantly check your emails and messages cause someone may need you.

You’re on a constant hamster wheel of balancing a demanding career, showing up as the best mom, and trying to squeeze in a little time for yourself. It feels like there’s never enough time, and the guilt and overwhelm are always there, lurking in the background.

You’ve tried different approaches—reading self-help books, downloading productivity apps, even attending workshops—but nothing seems to stick. The endless cycle of busyness and to-do lists never seems to end, leaving you exhausted and frustrated.

Deep down, you know there has to be a better way to balance your life without feeling overwhelmed and guilty.

And you’re right—there is.



Can you imagine?

Having a balanced and fulfilling life without the constant stress and guilt.

  • Picture starting your mornings peacefully, enjoying breakfast with your family.
  • Envision a workday where you’re productive and focused, with clear boundaries that keep work from spilling into your personal life.
  • Think about evenings spent fully present with your loved ones, engaging in meaningful activities without the distraction of work stress.
  • Visualize having time for your passions and self-care, feeling energetic and accomplished at the end of each day.
If you want to learn how to achieve work-life balance and live a fulfilling life, I have something for you... 

Life Balance Mastery

My 1:1 Customized Coaching Experience that Puts You on Your path to thriving in your career and being a present, fulfilled mom.

"I've transformed from being a burnt-out, busy mom struggling to juggle responsibilities to gracefully managing our family businesses, enjoying my career as a flight attendant and slowing down to be a very present mama." 

All without the overwhelm, while also pursuing my passions in photography and nail art weekly and coaching moms, just like you on how to balance it all.


Here is what Lissette said about Life Balnace Mastery 

"I used to think that feeling exhausted and guilty all the time was just part of being a successful entrepreneur and a mom. The Life Balance Mastery program taught me that it doesn’t have to be that way. With Coach Q’s guidance, I developed better time management skills and learned how to prioritize self-care without feeling selfish. Now, I have more energy, my business is thriving, and I cherish the quality time I spend with my daughter. I finally feel like I’m in control of my life instead of being controlled by my schedule."

Here's what you get inside of

Life Balance Mastery: 

Personalized 1:1 Coaching:

I dive right in and learn all about your life. I create tailored strategies to fit your unique lifestyle and goals.A plan designed specifically for you mama!

Unlimited DM Support: 

You get me in your back pocket! Mama, message me anytime. Receive advice and feedback to keep you on track throughout the day.

Work life harmony plan: 

You receive step-by-step guidance on how to create balance in your daily routines. So you can leave work at work and be fully present at home.

Stress & Time Management Tools

You will learn effective methods to reduce stress and increase well-being. Tools to help you prioritize and manage your time efficiently.

...with 3 different packages for you to choose from...



TWO 45-minute calls plus Voxer  support ($1K investment.)


SIX 45-minute calls plus Voxer support ($1900 investment.)


TWELVE 45-minute calls plus Voxer support ($3200 investment.)

Apply today and save $500 on any coaching package!!
What makes Life Balance Mastery Different?


  • You receive customized Solutions: No one-size-fits-all approach. Your plan is designed specifically for you.
  • You receive Ongoing Support: Continuous support through DMing to ensure you stay on track.
  • A Holistic Approach: Focus on all aspects of your life—career, family, and personal well-being.

 Life Balance Mastery One-on-one Coaching Experience is Perfect For You If You're ready to slow down, embrace more family time and...


You've been challenged with balancing it all yet you have a positive outlook and realize that set backs, stumbling blocks are only temporary and something greater is always in store.


You're ready to dive in, you're a good listener and you love to learn, be open, transparent and maybe even laugh at yourself a little.


You know that there is a greater power that guides, supports and shines within us daily. You're open to discussing biblical principals about wisdom, motherhood and balance and you desire to build a deeper relationship with God.




So, how does this work?

Coaching with me is completely custom to your needs. I meet you where you are and we move forward from there.

We get to meet up, sip our coffee together, and talk about your life. Can’t get any sweeter than that.

Once your submit your application, I will review it within 24 hours and will let you know if I think we would be a good fit together.


Some F.A.Q.s

What types of payment plans are available? My payment plans go out for 12 months and there is zero interest.

What about refunds? Oh no. Private mentorship takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends. If you go into this container thinking, "Oh, if this doesn't go as I planned, then I'll just ask for a refund." You are setting yourself up for that situation exactly. It's all down to mindset and attitude. If you come into this program feeling grateful for this opportunity and excited for what will come next for you and your business, then that will happen!

How are sessions scheduled?After payment is made, you will be directed to your next steps that include the link to my calendar.

What if I'm not sure I can commit to a payment plan? Please don’t choose something you can’t commit to. My payment plans are here to help mamas - they are not options for you to decide whether or not to pay. You will agree to my terms and conditions when you invest and keeping your payment plan commitment is one of them.

Is this program suitable for all career fields? Absolutely, this is a tailored coaching experience. I have worked with momprenuers, therapists, drs, truck drivers, flight attendants, at-home-moms, teachers, CEO's.... this custom experience works for ALL career fields.

Nice to meet you, mama!

I'm Coach Q

I can't wait to support you in your journey to gain a healthy work-life balance...

After being a serial momrepreneur for 10 + years, a flight attendant, mom, wife, certified life +health coach and podcaster. I've learned a thing or two about balance and have discovered the secret sauce to balancing career, family +passions (without the overwhelm) for ALL successful high-achieving mamas trying

I can't wait to take you by the hand and support you on this journey. Get ready to enjoy an new way of life. A slower, more present, yet successful way. We are gonna laugh and maybe even cry together a bit (it's ok I'm a crier).

I'm so excited to meet you!

Wait no longer, you know your family needs you to do this!  

Are you ready for balance?

Let’s work together so you can see balance faster. You could absolutely do this on your own, but time is the most precious thing we have...don't spend anymore time struggling alone. Take my hand. Apply below.

👋🏽 Hey there! I’m excited you’re here and ready to fill out the application to work with me privately! This is huge! So, all you have to do now is read through the application, fill in your answers to the best of your ability, and I will be getting in touch within 24 hours! Easy peasy! Let’s get started!