Blueprint for Joyful Living
The Power of Being Present: How to Overcome FOMO and Find Contentment

The Power of Being Present: How to Overcome FOMO and Find Contentment


How often do you find yourself feeling like you’re missing out? Whether it’s scrolling through social media and seeing someone’s picture-perfect life or comparing your progress to others, it’s easy to fall into the trap of FOMO—the fear of missing out. But here’s the truth: the present moment is where your true joy, peace, and blessings lie.

In today’s blog post, we’re going to dive deep into what FOMO is, how it steals your joy, and, more importantly, how to overcome it. Inspired by Episode 98 of the Ladies After Wisdom podcast, I’ll share practical tips to help you embrace contentment, focus on your own journey, and live in the present moment.

What is FOMO and How Does It Affect Us?

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is that nagging feeling that everyone else is living their best life, and you’re somehow behind. Maybe it’s scrolling through social media and seeing someone else’s vacation, promotion, or picture-perfect family, leaving you feeling like you’re missing out on something.

But here’s the thing: comparison is the thief of joy. When we’re constantly looking at someone else’s highlight reel, we miss the blessings that are right in front of us. FOMO not only steals your joy but also takes you out of the present moment, robbing you of peace and contentment.

3 Ways to Let Go of FOMO and Embrace the Present Moment

  1. Identify Your Priorities

    One of the best ways to let go of FOMO is to clearly identify what matters most to you. What are your top priorities right now? Maybe it’s spending more time with your kids, focusing on your personal growth, or working toward a specific goal. When you know what truly matters, it becomes easier to ignore the distractions and noise of what others are doing.

    Remember, if you don’t have a clear direction for your life, it’s easy to fall into someone else’s plan. But when you know what you’re working toward, you can be genuinely happy for others while staying focused on your journey.

  2. Set Boundaries with Social Media

    Social media is a powerful tool, but it can also be overwhelming if not used wisely. One simple way to avoid falling into the FOMO trap is by setting boundaries around your social media usage. Limit the time you spend scrolling, unfollow accounts that don’t serve you, and focus on content that uplifts and inspires you.

    You might even consider doing a social media detox from time to time, giving yourself the freedom to fully embrace the present moment without distractions.

  3. Practice Gratitude Daily

    Gratitude is a game changer when it comes to overcoming FOMO. By focusing on what you already have—the family, the opportunities, the home, the health—you’ll begin to see the abundance in your life. Take a few moments each day to thank God for the blessings that are right in front of you. When you appreciate what you have, you won’t feel the need to chase what others are doing.

Embrace the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)

Instead of fearing that you’re missing out, embrace the joy of missing out (JOMO). Celebrate what you get to say “yes” to—whether it’s a quiet evening at home, more time with your kids, or simply sitting still for a moment of peace. When you shift your mindset to find joy in the present, contentment will naturally follow.

Ready to Find More Balance and Contentment in Your Life?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, distracted, and pulled in too many directions, it’s time for a breakthrough. I’d love to invite you to my Balance Breakthrough Strategy Session. This is a personalized session where we’ll dive deep into your schedule, uncover what’s keeping you from living a balanced and joyful life, and create a tailored plan to help you focus on your priorities.

You’ll receive a personalized video with clear strategies to help you create more time for yourself, your family, and your passions—all without the overwhelm and guilt.

As a podcast listener, you can use the code below to get $20 off, making it only $47. This is your chance to finally create the balance and contentment you’ve been longing for.

👉🏽 Click here to book your Balance Breakthrough Strategy Session today! Spots are limited, so don’t wait!


FOMO might try to steal your joy, but by focusing on the present moment and embracing contentment, you can live a life filled with peace, gratitude, and purpose. Let go of comparison, set clear priorities, and trust in God’s plan for your life.

If you enjoyed this post, share it with a friend who could use some encouragement to embrace the present moment and let go of FOMO. Together, we can live lives of joy, wisdom, and balance!