Blueprint for Joyful Living
Improving Your Emotional Health to Create Balance In Every Area of Life: A Conversation with Jasmine Bailey

Improving Your Emotional Health to Create Balance In Every Area of Life: A Conversation with Jasmine Bailey


Finding Balance in Every Area of Life: A Conversation with Jasmine Baily (Healthy Life Design Coach)

As high-achieving moms, we often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of life—juggling work, family, and the many roles we play. But how often do we stop to think about our emotional health, our relationships, or whether we’re truly living a balanced life? Recently, I had an inspiring conversation with Jasmine Baily, an Academic Coaching Manager by day and a Healthy Life Designer by choice, who shared some powerful insights on how we can start creating a life that’s not just busy, but truly fulfilling.

The Foundation of Emotional Health

One of the things Jasmine emphasized is the importance of emotional health. She talked about how, for many of us, life can feel like it’s pulling us in so many directions that we lose sight of who we are. Jasmine shared her personal journey of feeling voiceless, not because she wasn’t doing enough, but because she wasn’t connected to her true self. She realized that emotional health isn’t just another item on the to-do list; it’s the foundation that supports everything else in life.

Jasmine said, “I didn’t feel like I had a voice because culturally, and then societally, I’m not a wife or a mother. So I found myself overachieving so that I could be somebody, filling that void.” Her words hit home for me because I know so many of us can relate. Whether we’re moms, wives, or single women pursuing our careers, it’s easy to lose ourselves in the roles we play. But Jasmine reminded us that finding our voice and maintaining emotional health is the first step to creating real balance.

The Power of the Sabbath

We also talked about the Sabbath—not just as a religious practice, but as a necessary pause in our busy lives. Jasmine introduced the idea of Sabbath as a time to create margin—a breathing space where we’re not constantly “doing” but simply being. She explained how she started practicing Sabbath by taking a day off during the week, and how this small change made a huge difference in her life.

She shared, “Sabbath is about more than just rest; it’s about creating margin in your life, a breathing space where you’re not filling every moment with doing.” This really resonated with me because, as moms, we often feel like we need to be on the go 24/7. But Jasmine’s approach reminded me that taking a step back isn’t just okay—it’s essential.

Reprogramming Ourselves from Survival Mode

Another powerful point Jasmine made was about reprogramming ourselves from survival mode. So many of us operate in this constant state of “get it done” because that’s how we’ve been conditioned. But Jasmine encouraged us to un-program ourselves from this mindset and recondition ourselves to live in a way that’s healthy and sustainable.

She said, “We have to un-program ourselves from survival mode and recondition ourselves to live in a way that’s healthy and sustainable.” This means being intentional about our emotional health, setting boundaries, and giving ourselves permission to slow down.

Taking the First Step

So, how do we start making these changes? Jasmine’s advice was simple but profound: start small. Whether it’s taking a few minutes of quiet each day, setting aside a few hours for Sabbath, or simply being more mindful of how you’re feeling, the key is to begin where you are.

As Jasmine put it, “The more you give yourself the margin, the easier it becomes to give yourself permission to choose what’s right for you.” It’s all about creating space in your life to reconnect with your true self and what matters most.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If this conversation resonated with you and you’re ready to start creating more balance in your life, I’d love to help you on that journey. One way to take the first step is by scheduling a Joyfully Balanced You Breakthrough Call with me. This free call is all about helping you identify where you need more balance and how you can reclaim your time and energy for the things that truly matter.

Click here to book your free call today, and let’s start designing a life that’s balanced, joyful, and uniquely yours.